Cave Swallows in New York

Cave Swallows in New York

Cave Swallows aren’t a bird species you would typically find in New York, their range typically is much farther south in parts of southern Texas and Central America. So why is a bird that is usually found in this one state, being seen all the way up in New York? One thing many hardcore birders…

Larks, Buntings and Longspur, oh my!

Larks, Buntings and Longspur, oh my!

As we get further into the fall season, more Arctic breeders are heading further south in search of food. Some of those include birds such as Snow Buntings, Lapland Longspurs and Horned Larks. While driving around looking for American Pipits, we saw a flicker of small birds flying around an empty field. We did hear…